North West Regional Resilience Strategy update

Laura Gannon from QRA’s Resilience and Recovery Team provided an update at the NWQROC Board meeting in Karumba, September 2021.

The North West Regional Resilience Strategy developed by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) is set to be released in early 2022 - delivering a locally-led and regionally-coordinated blueprint to strengthen disaster resilience.

The North West Regional Resilience Strategy been developed as a partnership between the Queensland Government, NWQROC and its member councils*. The purpose of this Strategy is to guide how we work together to proactively support resilience actions and planning across the North both now and into the future.

At the recent NWQROC board meeting, Laura Gannon from QRA’s Resilience and Recovery Team provided an update on the collaborative approaches involved in developing the Strategy and the opportunities that will arise from the related Action Plans. The Action Plans are intended to act as the program of works that can support the councils of the NWQ region, individually and collectively, in advancing approaches to resilience enhancement by clearly articulating resilience needs.

For more on the Resilience Strategy projects visit:

* Etheridge Shire Council will participate in the Far North Hinterland to Gulf Regional Resilience Strategy.


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