New government commitments set framework for partnerships
Cr Barry Hughes - NWQROC Chair
The dust has well and truly settled on the 2024 State Election with the Ministerial announcements and department reshuffles now complete.
It’s given our group of Mayors from across the 11 councils of the North West time to discuss the outcomes, appointments and the alignment across our priorities as we get our local and regional agendas set for the new year.
We have read with great interest the Crisafulli Government’s document: The Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future. Also, the Ministerial Charter Letters handed down by the Premier to his Ministers setting out their priorities.
We have also followed with interest the initial days of the new government and its shaping of our state’s leadership and pathway for the next four years.
So, I’d like to take the opportunity to share a few insights and our actions so far with a focus on key deliverables of immediate importance to our region and councils.
“Let’s look to be strategic and move beyond grant buckets and the funding lottery and establish a long term, partnership approach to make it happen. ”
Since the election, I have had the chance to talk with the new Premier and I thank him once again for his time in calling me directly to discuss local and regional issues. On behalf of NWQROC I passed on our congratulations and our commitment to work with him and his Ministers to deliver for our region and all of Queensland.
The election of a new government provides a real opportunity for a fresh start. And the local government leaders from across North West Queensland are committed to making the most of this opportunity.
We have written to several Ministers identifying the portfolio core values and key deliverables of immediate importance to our region and councils. These are published on NWQROC website.
As the saying goes, ‘here’s something we prepared earlier’ – we came to the election prepared with our Western Queensland colleagues outlining our key priorities with realistic asks representing the most significant region wide barriers to growth and development, as well as those of specific importance to our individual regions.
NWQROC has also done the hard yards in developing its NWQ Enabling Infrastructure Masterplan as well as other strategic and research documents over recent years. It’s safe to say, we know our region better than anyone and our asks are well-founded.
With that in mind, we were pleased to see one of our key asks realised in the early days of this government with the appointment of new regional Assistant Ministers. The Assistant Ministers are also crucially from the regions. Across our patch, we welcome Janelle Poole MP, Assistant Minister for North Queensland and Sean Dillon MP, Assistant Minister for Western Queensland. Having this dedicated role helps to strengthen representation for our rural and remote communities in Brisbane, across portfolios and at the cabinet table.
We are ready to assist in achieving the outcomes of the portfolio core values and key deliverables set out in Minister Charter Letters. This includes “maintaining a respectful and equal relationship” between state and local government” as prioritised by the Premier to the Minister for Local Government, Hon Ann Leahy MP.
An equal relationship, at its heart, is a partnership and we suggest as a first step to deliver on this priority is to include this commitment in the new MOU between state and local government, the current Partners in Government Agreement.
We’re ready to truly partner with government and deliver for our region. Here’s another one ‘we prepared earlier’ ready to go with a partnership approach at the core of our NWQ Enabling Infrastructure Masterplan. Let’s look to be strategic and move beyond grant buckets and the funding lottery and establish a long term, partnership approach to make it happen.
In early 2025, the NWQROC will hold its board meeting in Brisbane to coincide with Parliament sitting and we look forward to meeting with our key Ministers and Assistant Ministers. And as always, we extend a warm invitation to the Premier to head to the North West to meet with us in Queensland’s powerhouse region.