Roads, connectivity, housing: Western Qld leaders assemble to focus on building blocks for the future

More than 180 delegates including leaders from across Western Queensland and senior State and Federal government representatives are set to gather in Richmond from 17 – 19 May for the 2021 Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) Assembly.

Following the positive response and actions from the inaugural Assembly in Longreach last year, the WQAC will again unite in Richmond to continue its work towards tackling common issues across the region - most notably its priorities of funding for roads, digital connectivity and housing. 

The three day program entitled ‘Building Blocks for the Future’ will include presentations and discussions with industry experts, as well as senior local, state and federal representatives. The agenda will also include the presentation on the first ever Western Queensland Housing Market Study commissioned by WQAC to be developed by the Regional Institute of Australia (RAI).

The 22 councils of Western Queensland made the historic step last year to formally unite as the WQAC and ramp up representation and recognition in pursuing common priorities. The WQAC brings together their representative bodies: North West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (NWQROC); Remote Area Planning and Development Board (RAPAD); and the South West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (SWQROC). 

The 22 councils ranging from the Gulf of Carpentaria to the New South Wales border, generate $9.35 billion of the State’s Gross Product from 1.3 per cent of the Queensland’s population.  

This contribution, coming from the resources, agricultural, fishing and tourism sectors, is 2.2 times per capita above the Queensland average, demonstrating the value of the Western Queensland regions to the State and national economies.  

This is achieved despite the current challenges faced by the councils and their communities.

The full program is available at:

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Media contact:

Aleisha Domrow – 0423 116 865


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