2020 State Election Campaign

NWQROC State Election Campaign - Roads.jpg

Increased and long-term funding certainty for our roads network


a.  $8.3 million additional Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) funding over four years for the North West Queensland Regional Roads and Transport Group (NWQRRTG) to continue infrastructure upgrades on the Local Roads of Regional Significance to ensure communities are better connected.

b.  Increased and consistent funding allocations to the ‘North West District’ under the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) to support critical supply chains across the region as well as local workforce sustainability, capability and capacity.

c.  A targeted program to fund immediate upgrades and progressive sealing of critical road links and strategic road corridors (such as those identified under the Inland Queensland Road Network Strategy) to support industry development and growth, road safety, and domestic tourism.

Research indicates a total impact multiplier of 3.8 to 4 jobs per million dollars invested in new road construction and 5.2 jobs per million dollars invested in road maintenance.*


The region’s road network is the economic lifeblood of the North West, enriching both the state and the nation through outputs associated with the movement of heavy vehicles travelling to and from mine sites; triple road trains carrying cattle; b-doubles transporting goods and other produce; as well as service workers, residents and tourists crisscrossing the region. 

Increased and sustained investment in our road network will help the region build on its existing strengths, help diversify the economy, support emerging industries, create meaningful work, and:

  • improve road safety for all road users and reduce the costs associated with road trauma and fatalities

  • increase flood immunity and minimise disruption to critical supply chains

  • promote industry access to the network through improved freight connectivity and first and last mile access

  • connect communities to essential services and reduce travel times

  • improve the sustainability and skill level of our local workforces and contractors

  • support council planning and asset management practices.

In particular, the progressive sealing of the region’s road network between towns and attractions will support the growth of the tourism sector in North West Queensland - both as an immediate response to the impacts of COVID-19 and long term. As is well documented, the tourism sector is a cornerstone of the Queensland economy and supports hundreds and thousands of jobs across the state.

*. Tan, F, Tsolakis, D 2013, Economy-wide and employment impacts of road construction and maintenance investment, Road & Transport Research: A Journal of Australian and New Zealand Research and Practice, Vol. 22, No. 4, Dec 2013: 56-69.